Classicism and Romanticism


Classicism and Romanticism

Late 18th century, literature in England was stuck in a rut. 
Classicism, a witty, ornate style influenced heavily by the work of ancient Greece and Rome, dominated English literature. At its worst, classicism could be dreadfully boring. Bound by tradition and elaborate rules, it was often only accessible to an elite able to understand the witty wordplay and classical references.

Late 18th century, a new literary and artistic movement was afoot. Romanticism began in Germany and migrated across Europe. A reaction against the strictures of classicism. It prized nature over the industrialized city, emotion over reason, and the individual over institutions like the church and state. 
William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, William Blake, and John Keats, did not see themselves as a unified school of poetry. Later critics lumped them together as the English Romantics due to similarities across their bodies of work.



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